Sustainability is our heritage

Sustainable from day one

Our makers’ crafts predate the Industrial Revolution. Before industrial design dominated Japan, the form of an object was created and refined by the accumulation of time called life. Life and crafts were inseparable. Makers with high material intelligence and eco literacy created products in harmony with nature; from sourcing, design and manufacturing to post-purchase care and repair.

Just like their predecessors, our Makers stay true to the value and knowledge they inherited. They are committed not just in their own actions, but in the impact that their products and partners have. Coming from a long-standing tradition of being the backbone of local communities, our Makers are the torchbearers of sustainable, positive-impact operations.

Reeds harvested and resting outside Kawasaki Sudare Inc. helping rewilding of this material in Lake Biwa.

Made to last: within the Natural Cycle of Life

We offer traditional, hand-made crafts that express new luxury. One essence of luxury is that it’s made to last. But we’re not talking about materials that are engineered as such. Not plastic. We value ecological balance as much as you do. It’s a state of dynamic equilibrium and humans are an integral part of that ecosystem. It’s a balancing act. Decomposition is part of that balance.

Thanks to centuries-old tradition and disciplined craftspersonship, our Makers’ exceptionally skilled hands bring out the best of the materials that come from nature and return to nature. Our products are designed and manufactured so they can be repaired and recycled. For you, this means life with well-made everyday things that mature and season alongside you while maintaining the delicate balance of nature's ecosystems.

This aspect is amplified through our repair service as well as in upcycling opportunities and reuse of materials. For more information, contact Customer Service.

One of the treasured characteristics of bamboo is its changing color. There are over 15 color names denoting different stages of its life. Pictured is Ao-take, which means “blue bamboo,” between three to five years of age.

Fewer, Better Everyday Things

Our relationship to materials and products determines much about the way we live on earth. In modern product design, it’s almost always based on large-scale manufacturing, assuming standardization and mass production. Having an overabundance of these things is sadly out of touch with real human need, let alone our planet’s.

Fewer and Better go hand in hand. The reason why we have too many unsatisfying objects in our lives is that we don’t care enough about any one of them. Instead of being surrounded by things you don’t love, imagine having nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. Don't you feel the breath of fresh air? The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the details of daily life. William Morris, the great craft reformer and forerunner of environmentalism in the late nineteenth century espoused this, and we stand with it.

Our responsible production has two modes of operation: Small Batch and Made-to- Order. We only make what’s needed and when you need it. And we make it how you want it. Our customization and bespoke services give you the ability to tailor the piece perfectly just for you so you get exactly what you want, and nothing more. All of our collections feature timeless and universal design. It does not pull from fashion or what’s trendy but from the vast pool of human understanding of life, material and nature. This focus on quality and attention to detail brings an unparalleled material experience to your everyday life. Each piece resists fleeting trends, never appears out-of-style, and adapts to your changing lifestyle.

Yakishime potter Emu Nakai shaping a plate.